Добавлено 13 дек. 2024 г.
Hi Sergei Tiurenkov Dlon,
Thanks for writing a review about www.artmajeur.com on Trustpilot.
As part of our efforts to ensure that our community can trust the reviews they read on Trustpilot, we’re constantly on the lookout for unusual activity. We do this by using customized software, dedicated Content Integrity Agents, or a combination of both.
In this case, your review of www.artmajeur.com has been flagged because we couldn’t verify its authenticity, and on that basis we’ve removed your review from our platform.
While we’re confident that this is the right call, we appreciate that sometimes we get it wrong. If you think there’s been a mistake here, please do let us know by replying to this email and a member of our Content Integrity Team will review this decision with you.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Trustpilot Content Integrity Team
Мой ответ им:
Hello. Yes, it was your mistake. I have a profile on artmajeur! And there are my works and I am very happy with artmajeur.com. And I do not understand why you deleted my review. It is simply unethical. https://www.artmajeur.com/sergei-tiurenkov
Интересно, как они это определили и искали. По Фамилии и имени могли бы меня найти тут.
Кому то еще приходили такие письма? И как вы на это реагировали и что отвечали? Или я один такой? ))