"Art is not just about creating beautiful things; it's a way to express your soul and share it with the world."
I studied Photoshop and graphic design courses and became fascinated with this technique, using only digital graphics without traditional canvases and paints. I love the style of Picasso, cubism, abstraction, and more. Based on AI sketches, I create what I like and hope that my works will be appreciated and bring joy to the interiors of those who love this style. However, I also love seascapes and enjoy painting them not only in the style of cubism and abstraction but also in raster graphics, mainly on marine themes. I also draw animals in a cartoon style.
Пикассо, Айвозовский, Петров-Водкин, Малевич, Шагал, Рерих, Курасов, Жорж Брак, Ккандинский, Франс Марк, Эдвард Мунк, Дехонг Хе
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